Okay! Great job! Three key things real quick!
1. This first few days its important to only post what we give you! Don’t share or post anything else on your timeline. You can share anything you want in your stories but only post what we give on your timeline because it’s key to helping people see it!
2. Make sure that you reply to every single person who comments! This creates even more engagement on your post and causes more people to see it!
3. Once you get to the "Get Social on Social Video" on step 4 this next step will make even more sense! While we are letting your engagement post do its thing.
I want you to click into your friends list, start scrolling.
Write down the top 50 people you would want to do this with you as a customer or as a team-mate in the business. You will reference this on an ongoing basis moving forward.
Go to their Facebook page.
Like, comment and ask a question on their latest post!
So for example if it’s a picture of their family “Hey Shelly! Love the pic! Where was this taken?”
Or “Brad, love that hat bro! Where did you get it?”
You want to ask a question so that they reply back to you. All of these things are key to helping get as many eyes as possible on your page! So for fun I'm going to give you a little challenge to send a picture of your list of 50 to your coach by tomorrow! 📋
Are you in?! Of course you are! You're the next big thing!
Any questions on 1, 2 or 3? Text your coach now